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The Supreme Court hears arguments about whether criminalizing homeless camping is cruel and unusual punishment

Michael Farris | ESSAY | Why some American students feel so strongly about Palestine

The Justice Department tries to rein in Apple, Amazon, and Google through the courts

Rosaria Butterfield | ESSAY | Twenty years of same-sex marriage and the moral revolution that made it possible

MUSIC | Taylor Swift rebukes her enemies and pines for what-ifs

BACKSTORY | On repentance, speaking truth boldly, and a three-legged dog named Sully

WORLD Watch | Top Story

The 150th Kentucky Derby and a Derby Retiree

Magazine Vol. 39, No. 10
May 18, 2024 | Vol. 39 No. 10
View Full Issue


Editor's Picks

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The United Methodists quickly abandon Biblical Christianity

Mary Jackson | Those who once embraced the occult are exposing the dangers of practices that many consider harmless

Mark Tooley | A rapidly declining denomination jumps into the worldly abyss

Ted Kluck | Mark Driscoll as a barometer of evangelical cynicism

Week three kicks off with more witness testimony in New York

Carl R. Trueman | Why aren’t pundits who bashed evangelicals as racists more vocal about rampant anti-Semitism on the left?